Sunday, October 27, 2013

6 other Temples over time

There are 6 other Temples that Gini and I have been to over the years.  Since we live in San Diego, and have traveled many times over the years to Utah, we have obviously been through Las Vegas.  Not only do we drive through Las Vegas, but my sister, Jana lives in the area and she has 7 children, most of which have been married in the Las Vegas Temple.  So we can cross that one off my list as we have been there many times. 

Las Vegas Temple

The other Temple in Nevada is in Reno.  We went to the Reno Temple years ago when my son was working for the airlines.  One of the employee benefits was free air travel for his family.  We tried to take advantage of those benefits while he worked there so a trip to Reno was planned.  We took a taxi from our hotel to the Temple which is a good distance from town, but it gave us a chance to talk with the cabbie about the church.  It was the first small Temple I attended.
Reno Temple

We were able to attend the Portland Oregon Temple years ago when my parents retired and moved from San Diego to Oregon.  My sister moved there too.  That of course led to more family weddings to attend, so yea, I've been there too.

Portland Temple

More siblings, more nieces and nephews, and more sealings and marriages also took us to the Mesa Arizona Temple.  My brother Dan lives in the area and we went to the see the sealing of his 2 daughters to him at the Mesa Temple.

Mesa Arizona

The Nauvoo Temple was a special treat.  Gini and I had been to Nauvoo back in 1976.  There was no Temple there at that time, only the empty lot where the original Temple used to be before it was destroyed.  Following the death of my father, Mom served a mission in Nauvoo so we wanted to return to see the newly restored Temple and visit the other historical sites there.  Gini had a business trip to Chicago, so we rented a car and toured Nauvoo and Carthage.

                                                                       Nauvoo Temple

And finally, Gini and I travel to Denver on occasion to see my son Mike and his family.  They live in Colorado Springs, just 50 miles south of Denver, so a trip to the Denver Temple was not going to be missed.

                                                                    Denver Temple

So, there you have it.  I've done Temple work in 51 of the 68 operating Temples in the United States.  It is my goal to attend all of the United States Temples and try to keep up with the newly constructed ones as they are completed.  I've still got a few more trips to take.  One trip will be to the Southern United States where I served my mission years ago.  Another trip will be to the North East but I'm waiting for 2 of the Temples under construction to be finished before I make that trip.  Gini and I will be headed for Florida when Ft. Lauderdale is complete and we'll go to the one in Orlando at that time too.  St. Paul, Bismark, and Winter Quarters in another trip as well as another trip to Hawaii for the Temple in Kona.  I'm having a great time.  I'll keep you posted ....   

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